
“She’s ridiculous. She lived in Malaysia for 17 years and left for a few months and now she thinks she doesn’t belong here anymore. Bitch please.” “Please. It’s not like you lived there for years. Wake up.” “So you think you’re half American now? Please. You’re born and raised as Malaysian. Don’t forget your genes.” … More Homesickness

Life In The U.S.A. #6

Some cultural differences between most-but-not-all Americans and most-but-not-all Malaysians: 1. You don’t answer ‘never mind’ when somebody apologizes to you unless you hate that person. 2. There is a big difference between paper towel, napkin, tissue and toilet paper. 3. You don’t call toilet ‘toilet’, you call it bathroom. 4. ‘I’m good’ instead of ‘no, … More Life In The U.S.A. #6