Racism: Think globally, act locally.

I want to urge everyone to look at racism in a much broader context, not just against the black, but against the ‘colored’; outside America, and deep into our daily lives. Me, months ago, at the Glasgow airport. Racism comes in many forms. It can be violent. It can be silent. It is physical attacks … More Racism: Think globally, act locally.

Going for an Exchange is More Than Just Traveling

If you are thinking about going for an exchange, that’s great. Exploring the country you have never traveled to, touring around the cities, taking amazing photos to show off on Instagram… Going for an exchange, however, is much more than that. #1 You push yourself out of your comfort zone. When you go on an … More Going for an Exchange is More Than Just Traveling

Leaving Europe, coming back home. Feelings, travelling, racism, privileges… random thoughts.

I apologize for not updating for almost a month. It has been a very emotional month. I attempted to write a few blog posts but I find my thoughts way too troubled. I’m gonna share my hopefully-once-in-a-lifetime experience of coming back home unprepared due to the pandemic. In February, when the pandemic was hitting Asia, … More Leaving Europe, coming back home. Feelings, travelling, racism, privileges… random thoughts.